Bondi Rescue

"Life is one big adventure, Jump on in!"

This past weekend was not spent traveling around the country but rather staying put and further exploring the city of Sydney. One of the biggest attractions in Sydney are the beautiful beaches. Being that most of us do not work on Friday's we took a trip to Manly Beach to play some beach volleyball. 

If you watched the season premier of The Amazing Race on CBS a couple of weeks ago you would notice that they flew to Sydney and their first task was to take the ferry to Manly Beach. The ferry is the best part about going to Manly Beach. The views of the harbour bridge and opera house are phenomenal. We had a four on four beach volleyball game and my team won 2 out of the 3 games so we won the series!

The next day we went to the world famous Bondi Beach. We spent the first hour or so playing a four on four football game on the beach. My team won the football game behind my great Chad Pennington like quarterbacking skills (and no I did not hurt my shoulder.) After the football game we took a walk further down the beach to check out some of the rocks. 

As we were walking towards some of the rocks we noticed an emergency employee down on the rocks with a person that was injured. Then we heard a helicopter come around and eventually a rescue person came down from the helicopter and they managed to take the injured person up into the helicopter and take him away. It looked like the guy had hurt his leg pretty bad. It was neat to see a rescue like this and it looked like the injured guy will be alright!

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